Governance of TRAK
The TRAK Architecture Framework definition as a standard for architecture description needs some sort of governance. Just because it is released under open source licenses does not mean that it is a free-for-all.
TRAK is managed and governed. The overall TRAK specification, the TRAK Viewpoints and TRAK metamodel specifications are released under full version control.
In order to keep management overheads to a minimum and remain light and flexible the governance structure is based on that used for The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) where the principle of 'rough consensus' applies. To understand this read RFC 4677 - The TAO of the IETF and early thoughts are in an article on the trak-community site.
The heart of TRAK is the set of working groups formed by those who want to solve a problem or develop and application. Anyone can get involved.
TRAK Steering Group
The TRAK Steering Group is responsible for the release of TRAK and also for setting the overall direction and strategy of TRAK.
It is chaired by the UK Department for Transport.
TRAK Steering Group Responsibilities
The TRAK Steering Group has:
- 3 positions - Chair, Secretary and Architect
- 9 members
Members represent parts of the potential community that might engage with or use TRAK:
- academia
- customer friend
- government
- non-aligned
- procurers
- professional bodies
- tool vendors
- suppliers
TRAK Steering Group Structure
TRAK Working Group
The working groups are, not surprisingly, where the work is done. TRAK is deliberately user-centric rather than specifier-centric and therefore the working groups provide the means through which users identify improvements or problems, form a group and deliver the results.
The Steering Group only ensures that the statement of the problem/work to be done aligns with the strategy and makes sure that the results, if appropriate, can be fed back into the definition under version control.
TRAK Working Group Responsibilities
Suggestions for work to be done, the formation of working groups and their business is done making use of discussion forums on Sourceforge for the TRAK Working Groups.