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TRAK Information










This page reproduces parts of the overall TRAK0004 specification for information only. It may not therefore reflect the master source content at

Triples & Graphs

TRAK isn't a notation. TRAK provides a set of statements that you can use to describe architecture.

TRAK architecture viewpoints are specifications for the content and interpretation of TRAK Architecture ViewsISO/IEC/IEEE 42010. A conforming architecture view therefore satisfies the requirements of its governing architecture viewpoint.

A TRAK Architecture View is therefore not an 'instance' of a TRAK Viewpoint but an architecture product that meets the requirements of its governing viewpoint in terms of required / allowed / minimum content, presentation, consistency rules and interpretation.

Specifying Architecture View Content

To reduce inconsistency and ensure that an architecture view addresses the subject matter it is essential to specify what the acceptable content of every architecture view is. In TRAK this falls into:-

As with any good requirements these need to be clear, precise, atomic and verifiable.

TRAK architecture viewpoints specify the allowed and minimum acceptable architecture view content using only tuples (arbitrary length sequence of triples). e.g.

TRAK doesn't use block or node elements because the inclusion of node elements is not necessarily unique. Only a triple defines a unique combination of node and connector elements and an unambiguous path through a metamodel.

In a TRAK Architecture Description what is shown are Architecture Description Elements - both nodes and relationships. The minimum allowed unit of Architecture Description is the Architecture Description Tuple because it describes the relationship between 2 things. In mathematical terms this is a graph and therefore TRAK-conforming architecture views are also wholly graphs.

In other words architecture views must present triples - a solitary 'orphan' node element describes nothing.

Example TRAK Architecture Viewpoint Content

A part of the SVp-13 Solution Risk architecture viewpoint specification of the allowed content for a TRAK SV-13 Solution Risk architecture view is:-


  • Event can lead to exposure to Threat
  • Function has Vulnerability
  • Interaction Element has Vulnerability
  • Job has Vulnerability
  • Organisation has Vulnerability
  • Physical has Vulnerability
  • Resource Interaction has Vulnerability
  • ...
  • Software has Vulnerability
  • System has Vulnerability
  • Threat exploits Vulnerability
  • Vulnerability contributes to Vulnerability
  • Vulnerability results in Risk
  • ...
TRAK SVp-13 Solution Risk architecture viewpoint - Subject Statements/Triples - Analysis

Partial Extract of the Allowed Subject Triples for a TRAK SV-13 Solution Risk Architecture View

Specifying using triples provides a set of atomic and unambiguous requirement statements for each architecture viewpoint which allows the content of a TRAK architecture view to be verified against its governing viewpoint.

Example TRAK Architecture View Content

By way of an experiment/ example the architecture description created using Sparx Systems Enterprise Architect describing the claims of conformance of TRAK against ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010 has been exported and placed into a graph database. The graph database used is the Community Edition of Neo4J which provides a visualisation using its browser and a command line for issuing queries. The resulting graph is a directed property graph since all TRAK metamodel elements have a type and relationships have a direction and all elements have properties.

An example of a view using graph notation of the requirement structure of ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 international standard for architecture description is shown below. In TRAK this architecture view is a MV-03 Requirements & Standards Architecture View.

Partial extract of MV-03 Describing requirements in ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011

Partial TRAK MV-03 Requirements & Standards Architecture View - Describing the Requirement Hierarchy in ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011

This is a small part of this example of a TRAK MV-03 architecture view. To view the whole thing as a PDF click on this link.

The view above was produced using a simple query:-

MATCH r1=(a:Standard {name:'ISO/IEC/IEEE42010:2011 Systems and Software Engineering - Architecture Description'})-[r:`has part`*1..]->(b)


CYPHER Query to Return Requirements Tree from ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010

The query contains an instruction to follow a named path in the specified direction starting at the named element representing the standard, looking for every 'has part' relationship and recursing through the hierarchy returning the triples found. The graph approach is simple and intuitive because the instruction to follow a path describes what you see in the result and looks identicical to the TRAK metamodel. It is also much more like a natural language.

For many reasons therefore graph notation and graph databases are a natural fit if you use TRAK.

The Advantages of Using Triples

The advantages of graph notation are:-

TRAK is subject to the terms of open source license: GNU Free Documentation License (Version 1.3, November 2008) at

Modification Date: 2025-02-13

Eclectica Systems Ltd